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One might not believe it, but design patterns do not find their origin in software architecture. Patterns were first described in the 1970s by a real "Bricks and Stones" architect. A pattern is defined as a re-usable solution to a common type of problem, without ever repeating the actual way the solution is implemented. This means that patterns are an ideal learning tool and also ideal for communicating design ideas. Of course there are also anti-patterns, things often used, but actually better to be avoided.
When creating software, you feel yourself continuously creating new objects. Although the basic form of creating new objects is not bad, it can result in design problems or added complexity to the design. Creational patterns will help you deal with object creation that is suitable to the situation.
Once your objects are created, they start interacting. When you're not careful, these interactions can quickly start leading into code that is tightly coupled. Behavioral design patterns help identifying common communication patterns between objects and realize these patterns. By correctly applying these patterns, you can increase flexibility in carrying out the interaction between objects.
Created objects do not tend to stand on their own. No, they start encapsulating other objects trying to create structure in, what otherwise would be a chaotic software environment. Structural patterns help at identifying and setting up relationships between objects.
So how can you become a better developer? One of the best ways is by learning design patterns. Design Patterns provide reusable solutions to solve common software design problems. In this training we identify software design problems and see how to address these using the best suited Design Pattern.
This course is intended for experienced programmers who are very familiar with VB.NET or C# and have a working experience with the .NET Framework.